Günümüzde Lovemark olmak, özellikle Lovemark kalmak çok daha zor. Markasızlaşmaya doğru gittiğimiz çağımızda bazı markaların insanlarda duygusal bir etki yaratması, gönüllerinde yer edebilmesi bu nedenle çok kıymetli. Fikirler, davranışlar; virüsler gibi veya bilgi gibi yayılmıyor. İkisi çok farklı karakteristiklere sahip ama biz çoğunlukla davranışların da virüsler veya bilgi gibi yayıldığı varsayımıyla hareket ediyor, planlar yapıyoruz. Ellerinde mızraklarla av peşinde koşan atalarımızla sosyal ağ yapısı da dahil olmak üzere çok farkımız olmadığını rahatlıkla söyleyebiliriz. Başka bir deyişle büyük şehirlerde ama gizli modern kabilelerde yaşıyoruz. Kullanıcı adı ya da e-posta adresi. Kullanıcı adını ya da e-posta adresini gir. Sana bir e-posta göndereceğiz. Oradaki bağlantıya tıklayarak parolanı sıfırlayabilirsin. Malcolm Gladwell. Yakın Plan. MediaCat, Pelin Özkan, İhsan Özçıtak, Sosyal ağlarda gizli modern kabileler Ellerinde mızraklarla av peşinde koşan atalarımızla sosyal ağ yapısı da dahil olmak üzere çok farkımız olmadığını rahatlıkla söyleyebiliriz. Giriş Sign In. Parolanı mı unuttun? Your password reset link appears to be invalid or expired. Giriş Gizlilik Politikası Kabul et. Add to Collection Add new or search Public collection title. Private collection title.
Embrace uncertainty: entertain competing hypotheses and remind yourself of what you don't know. It does tell us something about how people will interpret unexplained series of numbers, but also tells us something about how some scientists will oversimplify human behavior. The bigger the print, the less it matters. The section on gambling, for instance, contained an explanation of a kind of poker. Kullanıcı adını ya da e-posta adresini gir.
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,00 TL. Penguin Books Yurt Dışından. Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking PB. İnce Kapak. Hertenstein covers all. (2). But Jonah Lehrer's How We Decide. This is a charming book that illuminates the most useful and fascinating findings of decades worth of research on social psychology. With Blink, The Tipping Point, and Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell has cornered the market on popular studies of human behavior. A New York Times bestseller • A New York Times Notable Book “The tale of how Konnikova followed a story about poker players and wound up becoming a story. Blink The Power of Thinking Malcolm Gladwell.I can say, however, that the content is rather similar to Gladwell's Blink if in more depth and that lends itself some credibility with both reaching similar conclusions. The inflated sticker is merely an anchor that allows the car salesperson to make the real price of the car seem like a better deal. There's a Philip K. As a reader, I decided to scan his credentials; editor at large for Seed magazine. The bigger the print, the less it matters. Those problematic aspects aside, I very much enjoyed this book, with its wealth of fascinating anecdotes from brain studies and its practical, sensible applications of the studies to advice on how to decide. Throughout the chapters there are numerous examples of actual high risk situations where decisions were made and the outcomes: piloting, sporting, day-to-day choices, poker and deeply moral deliberations. By the way, for those of you who would like to hear a surprisingly different take on the crash of United Airlines , it's worth viewing disc 3 of Errol Morris' First Person series. İki Haftada Bir. Clearly, something's wrong. I suspect, however, that many examples of sports figures and gambling are meant to attract male readers. But recent revelations are turning Pusser's legacy on its head. Ülke veya bölge seçin. Always entertain competing hypotheses 2. Doğa Bilimleri. Rich people accused of paying millions of dollars to get their children into elite universities. And then we spend too much money. Search review text. Their moral intuitions are never tuned on. Love, hate and fear are not the same as unconscious intuition. Parolanı mı unuttun? I plan on purchasing this book at some point so that I can think more about the concepts covered and their implications in my own life. Uygun info. The basic message though is simple: the key thing is to think about when making a decision is how you are thinking. Unfortunately here, with several hundred pages in which to illuminate the mind, he seems to have missed the scope. Teenagers are more impulsive because the prefrontal cortex is also the last part of the brain to develop, and ADHD happens when kids' brains are slow to develop. John Wiswell. Rhodes Scholar. Especially in season 6.