Her zaman kabuğuna sığmayan bir şirket olduk. Kıtaları aşıp yeni pazarlar aradık, yatırım yaparken korkmadık. Çünkü arkamızda, tecrübeli yöneticilerimiz ve 5 binin üstünde kalifiye bir iş gücü ordusuna sahip olduğumuzu biliyorduk. Daha çok çalıştık, daha çok ürettik ve başardık. Sektörümüzde yine en fazla ihracat yapan şirket olduk. Ülkemize katma değer yaratan büyük sanayi kuruluşları arasında olmak onur veriyor. Yeni pazarlar ve ihracat, büyümeyi de beraberinde getirir, öyle de oldu. Güncel listede, yılındaki yerimizden dört basmak atlayarak Başarılı performansımızı tescilleyen bir diğer prestijli kuruluş ise ekonomi ve iş dünyasının yakından takip ettiği Capital Dergisi oldu. Büyümenin yarattığı yeni istihdamla KEAS ailesi daha da genişledi ve insan kaynağını arttıran Artık daha büyük ve daha güçlüyüz. Kendimize daha çok güveniyoruz. Bu başarılara ulaşmamızı sağlayan tüm World Casino Largest In America Crossword, müşterilerimize ve tedarikçilerimize teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum. We have always been a high-spirited company. We ventured beyond borders, to other continents, to find new markets; we invested courageously. Because we knew that there were experienced mangers among us and that we had a qualified work force of more than 5 thousand employees, we worked more, produced more and finally succeeded. We were again the company, in our sector, which recorded the highest exports. New markets and exports always result in growth, and this is exactly what happened. When the Istanbul Chamber of Industry announced the list of the biggest industrial enterprises of traditional Turkey, we had climbed 4 more steps, from our old position inreaching 41st place. The position itself, on the current list, is quite meaningful considering our remarkable success over the last years. Having increased our turnover in year by Due to new employment created by this growth, the KEAS family grew larger and we reached the 25th place on the list of how many new employees we hired. At present we World Casino Largest In America Crossword bigger and more powerful. We have more self-confidence. I would like to extend my thanks to all our employees, clients and suppliers who have supported us in achieving these successes. Mahir İz Cad. Rumeli Pasajı Yunus Apt. Dergide yayımlanan yazı, fotoğraf, illüstrasyon, harita ve konuların her hakkı saklıdır. İzinsiz, kaynak gösterilerek dahi alıntı yapılamaz. Articles, photographs, illustrations, maps are all copyrighted. This event, attended by many important personalities, was noted for the participation of nearly five thousand international students. Some of the students were on scholarship and others were on normal tuition but all of them graduated in the current year. The international students who came to Turkey were from different countries, stemming from a wide geographical area: from Africa to Asia, from Europe to America, those who had studied and graduated successfully, participated in the career days. Kastamonu Entegre had a stand at this event and showed keen interest both in the local and in the international students. Haluk Yıldız, the CEO of Kastamonu Entegre, gave a speech at the Summit telling the Kastamonu Entegre success story, which is quite well known also, outside the borders of our country.
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