To browse Academia. Hilmi Ziya Ülken was a Turkish sociologist internationally recognized for his works in sociology, philosophy Ethyl Alcohol Casino Uses cultural history. Presenting papers at international meetings he found the opportunity to convey his ideas to other cultures, while his translations helped other scholarly worksand experiences to be known in Turkish. Ülken was among the few thinkers who, in the first half century of the Turkish Republic, tried to shape the new state and society with alternative ideas and publications. To this end, it focuses on six influential sociologists: Karl Marx d. Du Bois d. This is the task set in Part III of this course. Other cultures and traditions too had their own modes of theorizing. Part II, therefore, discusses the social-political thoughts of Al-Farabi d. The task of Part I is to understand what is a theory and which theory is considered sociological, including what constitutes a classic or classical. Here the course also clarifies the relationships between classical sociological thinking and coloniality and the contemporary discussions about orientalism and decolonizing knowledge. Dealing with the developmental stages of social changes and going to the roots of the effects of these transformations and changes is the main subject of historical sociology. The method of historical sociology for this purpose is the study of classical sociological works. In this study, we have tried to analyse the thesis of progressive history in terms of conceptual dichotomies and dualities. This is done in order to penetrate into the intellectual background of the birth of modern sociology on the European continent as an event and to analyse the system of meanings in this background. As we know, the idea of creating a new society in Europe is one of the main factors that crystallised the existence of modern sociology. In general, the idea of transformation and change depends on a philosophical understanding, which has emerged in the name of innovation in Europe. It can be said that the most powerful of the philosophical foundations of this idea is the philosophy of the Enlightenment, and the thesis of progressive history is one of the theses with high functionality in the transformation of that period. In order to realise this aim, an attempt has been made to make historical sociology by considering the dichotomous and dualistic concepts in the theories of Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber and Herbert Spencer, who lived in the countries of France, Germany and England where sociology was born and went down in history as the founding names of sociology. As a branch of science, Sociology has been a vital importance recently. Today, new innovations are seen in every field. These innovations are quite important for social scientists and students. Teaching methods and techniques in the teaching of the subject are extremely important. Because, the sociology education is closely related to conceptualization of social phenomena. Actually, three questions are very important. What, when and how do we teach? Or what methods and techniques should be used in the teaching of sociology? In this study, a new approach is provided to the teaching of sociology. Because, when we look from the view point of students, the old methods are insufficent to reach the aim, which is the teaching of sociology. This research was held in an Anatolian high school in the province of K. Marash in the education year. In this research, scanning of the source, questionnaire, interview and statistical techniques were utilized. In this context, the survey was applied to 80 students. Interviews with 24 students and 11 sociology teachers were applied then the datas were evaluated with SPSS. As a result, the textbooks and lectures are seen not to be Ethyl Alcohol Casino Uses by themselves.
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