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Narrative theme: diversity, equity, equality, inclusion Use for: works of fiction where the main narrative theme or subject matter clearly illustrates topics relating to aspects of accessibility, social justice, equity or equality, diversity and inclusivity within the context of the story, or the story explores themes of DEI, or attempts to achieve DEI. Sosyoloji: ölüm ve ölmek Use for: works that examine the relationships between society and death, dying and grief; how societies deal with the end of life and with death; attitudes and taboos around mortality, death and dying; customs, ceremonies and traditions around funerals, death or the dead; how societies deal with grief, bereavement and mourning and the bereaved; death literacy Ayrıca bakınız: VFJX Ölüm ve matemle baş etme , QRVL Religion: death and dying , KNSZ Deathcare and funeral industries. Psikanalitik ve Freudcu psikoloji Burada sınıflandırın: Psikanaliz. Corporate Social Responsibility. Bilim kurgu: apokaliptik ve post-apokaliptik Also class here: end of the world stories, dying earth, collapsing or collapsed civilization.
Two Unexplored Sources from the Last Decade in the Reign of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II
The most essential duty carried out by the circuit courts of appeals is the. Computers in. INTRODUCTION. Antalya, Erzurum, Gaziantep, İstanbul, İzmir and Samsun. Sports is a school giving joy and hope to millions of people all over the world from the caves of Rio de Janeiro to the. Family home might be the first place where LGBT+ individuals intensely experience pressure and various forms of violence. A systematic review of the evidence. For many LGBT+ subjects. Imperial Imaginaries: Employing Science Fiction to Talk About Geopoli- suicide risk? Abstract.Tablo ve yağlıboya resim Also class here: acrylic paintings and painting. Bilim kurgu: yakın gelecek Sınıflandırın: siberpunk, yüksek teknolojiye sahip bir toplumda marjinalize edilmiş ya da değersiz bir hayat sürdüren karakter üzerine kurulmuş bilim kurgular için. Organize suç Also class here: criminal gangs, mafia, bandits or banditry, modern piracy, the mob, mobsters, the Mafia, Crime syndicates, the criminal underworld, organised crime networks. Yardım ve kurtarma programları Also class here: works on international and foreign aid or assistance, humanitarian aid, secular or religious aid and relief programmes, disaster relief. Tiyatro yönetmenliği ve yapımcılığı Also class here: theatre directors, directing plays, guides for putting on a play or performance, stage management, works about the organisation and coordination of a performance or theatrical production. Palaeografi Burada sınıflandırın: Yazma ve yazma sistemleri üzerine çalışmalar. Bankacılık Also class here: different types of banks or banking businesses, the banking industry, central banks, reserve banks. Dil: tarihi ve genel çalışmalar Use for: more general or popular works on language. Biography: adventurers and explorers Also class here: biographical works about travellers, voyagers, wanderers, etc. Fiction based on or inspired by true events Use for: fiction based on or inspired by a true event or happening but where this is told in narrative fictionalised form and is not just an account of the event itself. Muhafazakârlık ve sağ merkez demokratik ideolojiler Also class here: Christian Democracy, centre-right politics and political parties or movements. Use for: works that deal with the content, history, and effects of various type of mass communication media Ayrıca bakınız: GTC İletişim çalışmaları. Siyasi partiler Use for: works that look at individual or multiple political parties, or examine particular party platforms or programs. Siyasi ideolojiler Use for: works on different parts of the political spectrum, or political ideologies or movements that do not have more precise codes. Share Information. Literature and Cultural Studies. Woodwind instruments Also class here: reed instruments, all types of flutes, piccolo, bagpipes, cor anglais, contrabassoon, bassoons, clarinets, oboes, recorders, saxophones, etc 1. Use for: works that look at green, environmentally friendly, sustainable practices and approaches to finance, financial products, financial institutions, private and public investment; structured financial activity that has been created to ensure a better environmental outcome; ideas for changes to financial institutions to deal with environmental issues, etc. Use for: any works on aspects of life or issues in urban or semi-urban settings and the associated communities. Use for: Romance featuring participants in sports, sports stars, athletes, coaches, owners, agents, sports teams, sporting events, sporting activities or any romance where the sports element is an integral part of the story. Narrative theme: books and the world of books Also class here: stories, novels and works of fiction where the main theme is about the world of books, including, booksellers, bookshops, libraries, literature, writers, the art of writing, books about reading, books about books, book clubs, publishers or any story that has a main theme taken from the world of books 1. Psikolojik testler ve ölçümler Also class here: psychometrics, psychological assessments. Use for: romance stories where one or more of the main protagonists is in a job that means wearing a formal uniform 1. Bağımsız okullar, özel eğitim Also class here: Charter schools, Academy trusts, Private schools. Göç, iç ve dış göç Use for: works about diasporas, the expatriates, settlers or migrants themselves, or cultural or social topics linked to migration. Performing arts genres: film, television, radio, and theatre Use for: the performing arts aspects of these genres only. Use for: works about impact of drugs and alcohol addiction or abuse on society, groups or individuals, intervention strategies, public drug policies, debates on legalisation or prohibition of certain drugs or alcohol, societal approaches and attitudes to substances such as cannabis, recreational drug use, drinking culture, binge drinking, rehabilitation, violence and crime linked to drugs and alcohol, impact on the young, on marginalised groups and communities etc 1. Parapsikolojik çalışmalar ciddi akademik eserler için kullanın Ayrıca bakınız: VXP Psişik güçler ve psişik olaylar. Author Portal. Use for: works that examine any form of nationalism.