Quoting lady in red. Here are the Turkish lyrics! Uzun bir akþam bizim için. Quoting corina. Bildiðin gibi, bu sefer kendi kendime geleceðim, onun için biraz korkuyorum. Sen gerçekten ocak ayinda orda olacaksýn? Quoting joooe Quoting karinalinares. Quoting Nisreen. This works too. I think "üzgünüm" is much stronger than "özer delirim" Its like saying "I am very very upset, that I did that" instead "I am only sorry I did that". My opinion. Quoting winnie Cevabim vermediðim sana bugün, özür dilerim. O zamanda gittim, bilgisayar acikdi. This appears to be replies inside another email where the questions and answers are all caps but the answers are bolder. Catwomen forgive me, but I will leave the Caps as they are and put Roulette Casino Alisa Surname general explanation. I am not a native speaker, but I can tell that the person writing in caps is very upset with the sender. Quoting teterteafan. Quoting ZulfuLivaneli. That is what I meant. And I carelessly omitted the first person suffix which Caliptrix pointed out. Quoting Kelebek. Quoting cab Is this person who is sending me these trying to get virus onto my computer? Sorry for being dumb, but this is someone who I think is a friend, but sounds like isn´t now!!! I would not jump to conclusions but also not use a web site that asks for you MSN password. There are Roulette Casino Alisa Surname that generate emails that appear to come from, in this case, your friend, when they had nothing to do with it. Quoting doudi Is that verb the same as demek? I eman does it have the same meaning? I mean to use during speech? Söyle is more like "speak, tell, or even sing". In movies, e. Like English, Turkish has both "direct" and "indirect" quotation forms, My example above is a "direct" form. The indirect form used söylemek in place of demek but I think that is a little beyond this discussion, and I don´t know it well enough to teach it. Quoting vineyards. Generalizations are wrong but I can´t help warning everyone here : Never trust a carpet dealer We had no problems. But caution is advisable. We had been referred by the owners of the hotel where we were staying and they presumably need happy customers that will say nice things to the booking agengies about them. Quoting seismic. Its a friendly message. Someone elso might be able to improve the English paraphasing.
When we start this job, the environment and human health are one of our guidelines. METRO dijital tekstil baskı makinesi bu alandaki baskı makinelerinin hızından taviz vermeden, yedi renkli baskı avantajıyla mükemmel kalitede baskılar sunmaktadır. The new version, which comes into force in the fall of , demands considerably greater occupant safety, particularly with regards to side and front impact. Kısa proses süresi ve sağladığı enerji tasarrufu sayesinde işletme maliyetlerinin düşürülmesi açısından önemli avantajlar sunan bir teknolojiye sahiptir. Quoting blondie
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