TIGSource has an official Discord server now! Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Check out Digital Ocean more details in this thread. Pixelhead Level Leilani's Island. Aloha everyone, and welcome to Leilani's Island! Title screen image updated Feb Leilani has gotta roll, run, jump, kick, and smash things to protect her island! Leilani's Island devlog Website Twitter Steam. Level 2. Re: Leilani's Island. Level 7. Arts are adorable. Real life would be so much better with permadeath. Level 0. Level 4. Balrog, surt and jaharley94 - thank you! I'm curious what influences you're taking from those latter two. There's so much going on in that first animated screenshot! Already I'm excited for this game I've never played Wario Land but I got a Gimmick feel from the way you've set up the systems to interact with each another. I can imagine playing this game and challenging myself to pull off fancy tricks just because the game allows it. Lovely pixel art and animations too. Good luck with it! A Mini Falafel Adventure twitter. Leilani's Abilities I'm sticking to a pretty limited set of abilities. These have had a lot of revisions since I started Vintage Full Poker Decks 54 Card Download Png game, particularly the rolling and enemy interactions. They define both the gameplay and Leilani's personality so it's important to get these right. Here's an overview of what I currently have: Run: Leilani's run is pretty slow and not slippery. It's safe to use but won't provide enough speed for all situations. Jump: Leilani's jump is smooth and has variable height press longer to jump higherand she has good mid-air control. However her maximum jump height is only 3 tiles with Leilani being around 1. Roll: The main focus of the game. Enemy interactions: Walk into: Walking into an enemy that isn't stunned will hurt Leilani. Jump on: jumping onto an enemy will stun it. Leilani can do a 4-tile-high jump off an enemy's head. Jump beneath: jumping into an enemy from beneath stun it. Roll into: rolling into an enemy causes the enemy to also roll. A rolling enemy interacts with other gameplay elements the same as if it was Leilani rolling herself.
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